
Lars Højsgaard Andersen
Forskningsprofessor og
chef for forskning i marginaliserede grupper
Cand.scient.soc. ph.d.
+45 61 66 63 78
Fordelingen af og konsekvenserne af kriminalitet og straf for personer såvel som familier, herunder social arv i kriminalitet; indvandring og kriminalitet; effekter af alternative afsoningsformer; effekter af starthjælp; mental sundhed under corona.
Blaabæk, Ea H., Daniel J. Vigild, Felix Elwert, Peter Fallesen, and Lars H. Andersen (2024). Mild traumatic brain injury and criminal charges and convictions in mid and late adolescence. Online First in Journal of the American Medical Association: Pediatrics. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamapediatrics.2024.3452.
Fallesen, Peter, Lars H. Andersen, and Felix Elwert (2024). Heterogenous Causal Effects: Potentials and Pitfalls as Illustrated with Fatherhood and Earnings. Journal of Marriage and Family 86(5): 1519-1540. http://doi.org/10.1111/jomf.13018
Nilsson, Sandra F., Thomas M. Laursen, Lars H. Andersen, Merete Nordentoft and Seena Fazel (2024). Homelessness, psychiatric disorders, and violence: A population-based cohort study. The Lancet Public Health 9(6): e376-e385. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2468-2667(24)00096-3
Dustmann, Christian, Rasmus Landersø, and Lars H. Andersen (2024). Unintended Consequences of Welfare Cuts on Children and Adolescents. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 16(4): 161-185. https://doi.org/10.1257/app.20230519
Blaabæk, Ea H., Lars H. Andersen, and Peter Fallesen (2024). From Unequal Injuries to Unequal Learning? Socioeconomic gradients in childhood concussions and the impact on children’s academic performance. Social Science and Medicine 341: 116524. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.116524
Lok, V, Sjöqvist, H., Sidorchuk, A., Flodin, P., Osika, W., Daly, M., Hyland, P., Andersen, L.H., Fallesen, P., Cabrera, M.C., Knudsen, A.S.K, Wetherall, K, Widnall, E., Pieh, C., Groarke, J.M., Armour, C., Dalman, C., Hollander, A-C. & Niemi, M. (2023). “Changes in anxiety and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic in the European population: A meta-analysis of changes and associations with restriction policies.” European Psychiatry.
Andersen, Lars H. og Bent Jensen (2023). Hvad vi ved om de dømte og deres kriminalitet. ROCKWOOL Fondens Forskningsenhed og Gyldendal.
Cardona, Marcelo, Lars H. Andersen, Peter Fallesen, and Tim A. Bruckner. (2023). Stress/Depression across the COVID-19 Pandemic in Denmark. BMC Public Health 23(1): 169. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-023-15129-5.
Hassan, Said, Camilla Hvidtfeldt, Lars H. Andersen, and Rebecca O. Udsen. Do Refugee Children Impair the Academic Performance of Native Children in the School? Informative Null Results from Danish Register Data. European Sociological Review advance access: jcac059. https://doi.org/10.1093/esr/jcac059
Hyatt, Jordan M., Synøve N. Andersen, Emily Greberman, Lars H. Andersen, and Ivan Christensen. (2023). Developing Harm Reduction Policies: Evidence from Copenhagen’s Drug Consumption Rooms. Drug and Alcohol Review 42(1):3-6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/dar.13509
Hassan, Said, David S. Kirk, and Lars H. Andersen. (2022). The Importance of Living Arrangements for Criminal Persistence and Desistance: A Novel Test of Exposure to Convicted Family Members. Journal of Developmental and Life Course Criminology 8:571-596. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40865-022-00211-0
Andersen, Lars H. and Therese B. Christensen. (2022). Taking prior sick leave patterns into account when estimating health consequences of violence on the job. Workplace Health & Safety 70(11):515-524. https://doi.org/10.1177/21650799221096994
Andersen, Lars H., Maria Fitzpatrick, and Christopher Wildeman. How Does Visitation Affect Incarcerated Persons and Their Families? Estimates Using Exogenous Variation in Visits Driven by Distance Between Home and Prison. Online first in Journal of Human Resources. https://doi.org/10.3368/jhr.0620-10951R3
Andersen, Lars H. (2022). The Future of Nordic Criminal Policy Evaluation. Kriminologia 2(1):79-88. https://doi.org/10.54332/krim.124936
Andersen, Lars H., Signe H. Andersen, and Peer E. Skov. (2022). Restricting Arranged Marriage Opportunities for Danish Minority Youth: Implications for Criminal Convictions. Journal of Quantitative Criminology 38:921–947. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10940-021-09521-w
Andersen, Lars H., Peter Fallesen, and Tim Bruckner. (2021). Risk of Stress/Depression and Functional Impairment in Denmark Immediately Following a COVID-19 Shutdown. BioMed Central Public Health 21:984. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-021-11020-3
Anker, Anne S. T. and Lars H. Andersen. (2021). Does the Intergenerational Transmission of Crime Depend on Family Complexity? Journal of Marriage and Family 85(5):1268-1286. https://doi.org/10.1111/jomf.12770
Larsen, Kira S., Lars H. Andersen, and Britt Ø. Larsen. (2022) Pushed Out of the Education System: Using a Natural Experiment to Evaluate Consequences for Boys. Journal of Experimental Criminology 18(2):411-438. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11292-020-09444-9
Anker, Anne S.T., Lars H. Andersen, and Christopher Wildeman (2020). Estimating and Explaining Racial Ethnic Disparities in the Cumulative Prevalence of Parental -Imprisonment in Denmark. Demographic Research 43 – article 22: 617-658.
Wakefield, Sara, and Lars H. Andersen (2020). Pretrial Detention and the Costs of System Overreach for Employment and Family Life. Sociological Science 7: 342-366.
Wildeman, Christopher, and Lars H. Andersen (2020). Long Term Consequences of Being Placed in Disciplinary Segregation. Criminology 58(3): 423-453.
Wildeman, Christopher, and Lars H. Andersen (2020). Solitary Confinement Placement and Post-Release Mortality Risk Among Formerly Incarcerated Individuals: A Population-Based Study. The Lancet Public Health 5: e107-e113.
Andersen, Lars H (2020). Using a Natural Experiment to Measure the Impact of Swifter Punishment on Criminal Recidivism. Journal of Experimental Criminology 16(2):289-298.
Baćak, Valerio, Lars H. Andersen, and Jason Schnittker (2019). The Effect of Timing of Incarceration on Mental Health: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. Social Forces 98(1):303-328.
Goldman, Alyssa, Signe Hald Andersen, Lars H. Andersen, and Christopher Wildeman (2019). Can Alternatives to Incarceration Enhance Child Well-being? In: Eddy, J. Mark and Julie Poehlmann-Tynan (Eds.). Children of Incarcerated Parents: A Handbook for Researhcers and Practitioners, 2nd Edition. New York: Springer International Publishing..
Andersen, Lars Højsgaard (2018) Assortative Mating and the Intergenerational Transmission of Parental Incarceration Risks. Journal of Marriage and Family 80(2):463-477.
Andersen, Lars Højsgaard (2018). Danish Register Data: Flexible Administrative Data and their Relevance for Studies of Intergenerational Transmission, in Eichelsheim, Veroni I. and Steve G. A. van de Weijer (Eds.). Intergenerational continuity of criminal and antisocial behaviour: An international overview of studies. Cambridge, UK: Routledge.
Andersen, Signe Hald, Lars Højsgaard Andersen, Maria D. Fitzpatrick, and Christopher Wildeman (2017). How Alternatives to Imprisonment Could Affect Child Well-Being, in Wildeman, Christopher, Anna R. Haskins, and Julie Poehlmann-Tynan (eds.) When Parents Are Incarcerated: Interdisciplinary Research and Interventions to Support Children. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.
Andersen, Lars Højsgaard (2017). Marriage, In-Laws, and Crime: The Case of Delinquent Brothers-in-Law. Criminology 55(2): 438-464.
Fallesen, Peter & Lars Højsgaard Andersen (2017). Explaining the Consequences of Imprisonment for Union Formation and Dissolution in Denmark. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 36(1): 154-177.
Lars Højsgaard Andersen, Kristian Hedeager Bentsen, Camilla Hvidtfeldt, Bent Jensen, Jan Rose Skaksen & Peer Ebbesen Skov (2017). Danskernes liv med skatter, sort arbejde og gør det selv-arbejde. ROCKWOOL Fondens Forskningsenhed og Syddansk Universitetsforlag.
Andersen, Lars Højsgaard, Anne Sofie Tegner Anker, & Signe Hald Andersen (2016). A Formal Decomposition of Declining Youth Crime in Denmark. Demographic Research 35: 1303-1316
Lars Højsgaard Andersen (2016). How Children’s Educational Outcomes and Criminality Vary by Duration and Frequency of Paternal Incarceration. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 665(1): 149–70
Aaltonen, Mikko, Torbjørn Skardhamar, Anders Nilsson, Lars H. Andersen, Olof Bäckman, Felipe Estrada, and Petri Danielsson (2016): Comparing Employment Trajectories Before and After First Imprisonment in Four Nordic Countries. British Journal of Criminology 57(4):828-447.
Wildeman, Christopher & Lars Højsgaard Andersen (2015). Cumulative risks of paternal and maternal incarceration in Denmark and the United States. Demographic Research 32: 1567-1580
Andersen, Signe Hald, Lars Højsgaard Andersen & Peer E. Skov (2015). Effect of Marriage and Spousal Criminality on Recidivism. Journal of Marriage and Family 77(2): 496-509
Andersen, Lars Højsgaard & Christopher Wildeman (2015). Measuring the Effect of Probation and Parole Officers on Labor Market Outcomes and Recidivism. Journal of Quantitative Criminology 31(4): 629-652
Andersen, Lars Højsgaard & Torben Tranæs (2015). Er ikke-vestlige indvandrere og efterkommere mere kriminelle end danskere? I Jensen, Bent, Ditlev Tamm, and Torben Tranæs: Forbrydelse, straf og afsoning i Danmark. Gyldendal og Rockwool Fondens Forskningsenhed: 64-78
Andersen, Lars Højsgaard (2015). Decomposing Recidivism Variance into Probation and Parole Officers and their Clients. Rockwool Foundation Research Unit Study Paper 92
Andersen, Lars Højsgaard & Signe H. Andersen (2014). Effect of Electronic Monitoring on Social Welfare Dependence. Criminology & Public Policy 13(3): 349-379
Andersen, Lars Højsgaard (2010). Chris Grover: Crime and Inequality. Boganmeldelse, Nordisk Tidskrift for Kriminalvidenskab 97(1): 101-103