Working Hours and the Family
Eksternt bedømt
Working preferences/economic incentives/childcare and divorce/retirement and time-use
Skrevet af: Jens Bonke
There is growing recognition that the family plays a major role in determining how much people want to work, how much they actually work, how much child care – and of what type – they
provide for their families, how well their children cope, and the age at which they choose to retire from the labour market.
Taking the family as its key focus, this book elucidates issues such as these on the basis of data from the Rockwool Foundation Research Unit’s survey of time use and consumption and from
other time use studies. In this way, the book is able to make a nuanced contribution to our understanding of the significance of the family for the economy and wellbeing of society.
Arbejdstid og familien
Arbejdstidsønsker/arbejdstid og skat/børn og skilsmisse/pensionering og samvær
Der er en stigende erkendelse af, at familien spiller en stor rolle for, hvor meget vi ønsker at arbejde, hvor meget vi faktisk arbejder, mængden og karakteren af omsorgen overfor vores børn,
hvordan børnene klarer sig, og hvornår man trækker sig tilbage fra arbejdsmarkedet.
På baggrund af oplysninger i Rockwool Fondens Forskningsenheds tids- og forbrugsundersøgelse og andre tidsundersøgelser belyses disse og lignende spørgsmål med familien som omdrejningspunkt. Herved giver bogen et nuanceret bidrag til forståelsen af familiens betydning for samfundsøkonomi og velfærd.
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