Welfare and Work Incentives


August 1993


Eksternt bedømt

A North European Perspective


Skrevet af: A.B. Atkinson, Richard Blundell, Björn Gustafsson, Anders Klevmarken, Peder J. Pedersen og Klaus F. Zimmermann.


I Welfare and Work Incentives. A North European Perspective fremlægger forfatteren en række videnskabelige analyser af forholdet mellem skatte- og velfærdssystemerne og befolkningernes motivation til at arbejde i henholdsvis Danmark, Storbritannien, Sverige og Tyskland.


“One can benefit from watching Atkinson at his craft… The book addresses a problem in Europe’s public debate over the welfare state. Policy makers in Europe need to know whether European welfare states have major effects on labor supply. This book provides an answer.”

– Robert Hutchens i The Journal of Economic Literature