The effect of aftercare on human capital acquisition and antisocial behavior among foster care alumni


Juni 2016


Eksternt bedømt

Study paper nr. 111


Skrevet af: Signe Hald Andersen


Some countries provide aftercare for foster care alumni, yet we have very limited evidence of the effects of this type of care, and do not know if it improves outcomes among foster care alumni. This study tests whether an expansion of the Danish aftercare scheme in 2001 has affected the later outcomes of foster care alumni. This expansion raised the age limit for eligibility for aftercare from 20 years to 22 years, and created an increased focus on the availability of this type of support. Using Danish administrative data and a difference-in-difference setup, it is found that the expansion reduced antisocial behavior and labor market affiliation in the short run, but improved wage outcomes in the longer run.

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