Signe Hald Andersen
Interventionschef, forskningsprofessor
Cand.scient.soc, ph.d.
+45 20 69 82 82
Milne, Barry J., D’Souza, Stephanie, Andersen, Signe Hald & Richmond-Rakerd, Leah S. (2022): Use of Population-Level Administrative Data in Developmental Science. Annual Review of Developmental Psychology, 4:447-68
Belsky, Jay & Andersen, Signe Hald (forthcoming): Individual Differences in Timing of Susceptibility to Adverse Effects of Family Dysfunction. Journal of Family Psychology
Andersen, Signe Hald, Steinberg, Laurence & Belsky, Jay (2021): Beyond Early Years vs. Adolescence: The Interactive Effect of Adversity in Both Periods on Life-Course Development. Developmental Psychology, 57(11): 1958-1967
Andersen, Signe Hald, Richmond-Rakerd, Leah S., Moffitt, Terrie & Caspi, Avshalom (2021): Nationwide evidence that education disrupts the intergenerational transmission of disadvantage. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118(31): e2103896118
Andersen, Lars Højsgaard, Andersen, Signe Hald & Skov, Peer Ebbesen (forthcoming): The Effect of Marriage on Crime: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. Journal of Quantitative Criminology
Andersen, Signe Hald (forthcoming): Unemployment and crime: Experimental evidence of the causal effects of intensified ALMPs on crime rates among unemployed individuals. British Journal of Criminology
Andersen, Signe Hald (2021): Adverse childhood experiences affect outcomes in early adulthood, but age at exposure matters. JAMA Network Open, 4(1): e2032769. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.32769
Andersen, Signe Hald & Özcan, Berkay (forthcoming): The Effects of Unemployment on Fertility. Advances in Life Course Research
Richmond-Rakerd, Leah S., D’Souza, Stephanie, Signe Hald Andersen, Sean Hogan, Renate M. Houts, Richie Poulton, Sandhya Ramrakha, Avshalom Caspi, Barry J. Milne & Terrie E. Moffitt (2020): Poor health, crime, and social-welfare dependency cluster in a population segment: Policy challenges of inequality as revealed by analyses of 4 million citizens from 2 nations. Nature Human Behavior
Andersen, Signe Hald (2019): The effect of aftercare on human capital acquisition among foster care alumni. Children and Youth Services Review, 103: 28-41
Andersen, Signe Hald (2018): Paternity leave and the motherhood penalty: New causal evidence. Journal of Marriage and Family, 80(5): 1125-1143
Goldman, Alyssa, Signe Hald Andersen, Lars H. Andersen & Christopher Wildeman (forthcoming): Can alternatives to Incarceration Enhance Child Well-being? In Eddy, J. Mark & Julie Poehlmann-Tynan (Eds.). Children of Incarcerated Parents: A handbook for Researchers and Practitioners, 2nd Edition, New York: Springer International Publishing
Andersen, Signe Hald, Andersen, Lars H., Fitzpatrick, Maria D. & Wildeman, Christopher (2017): How Alternatives to Incarceration Could Affect Child Well-being. Pp. 151-172 in When Parents Are Incarcerated: Interdisciplinary Research and Interventions to Support Children. Edited by Wildeman, Christopher, Anna R. Haskins, and Julie Poehlmann-Tynan. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press
Wildeman, Chris & Andersen, Signe Hald (2017): The Impact of Paternal Incarceration on Children’s Risk of Arrest by Early Adulthood. Criminology, 55: 32-58
Mertz, Mikkel & Andersen, Signe Hald (2017): The Intergenerational Transmission of Foster Care Experiences. British Journal of Social Work, 47: 1377-1393
Andersen, Lars H., Anker, Anne Sofie Tegner & Andersen, Signe Hald (2016): A formal decomposition of declining youth crime in Denmark. Demographic Research, 35(44): 1303-1316
Andersen, Signe Hald (2016): Drinking Alone? The Effect of Alcohol Treatment Programs for Drunk Drivers on Relationship Stability. Annals of the Academy of Political and Social Science, 665(1): 46-62
Mertz, Mikkel & Andersen, Signe Hald (2016): The hidden cost of foster care: New evidence on the intergenerational transmission of foster care experiences. Rockwool Fondens Forskningsenhed. Study Paper nr. 106.
Andersen, Signe Hald & Jensen, Bent (2016): Anbringelser. Historik, omfang, årsager og virkemidler. Gyldendal og Rockwool Fondens Forskningsenhed.
Andersen, Signe Hald & Fallesen, Peter (2015): Family Matters? The Effect of Kinship Care on Foster Care Disruption Rates. Child Abuse & Neglect, 48: 68-79
Andersen, Signe Hald (2015): Serving time or serving the community? Exploiting a policy reform to assess the causal effects of community service on income, social benefit dependency and recidivism. Journal of Quantitative Criminology
Andersen, Signe Hald, Andersen, Lars Højsgaard, & Skov, Peer (2015): The Effect of Marriage and Spousal Criminality on Recidivism. Journal of Marriage and Family
Andersen, Lars Højsgaard & Andersen, Signe Hald (2014): Losing the stigma of incarceration: does serving a sentence with electronic monitoring causally improve post-release labor market outcomes? Criminology & Public Policy, 13(3): 1-31
Andersen, Signe Hald & Wildeman, Christopher (2014): The Effect of Paternal Incarceration on Children’s Risk of Foster Care Placement. Social Forces 93(1): 269-298
Wildeman, Christopher, Andersen, Signe Hald, Lee, Hedwig & Karlson, Kristian Bernt (2014): Parental Incarceration and Child Mortality in Denmark. American Journal of Public Health, 104(3): 428-433
Andersen, Signe Hald (2014): Complex patterns: On the characteristics of children who experience high and low degrees of foster care drift. British Journal of Social Work, 44(6): 1545-1562
Fallesen, Peter and Andersen, Signe Hald med bidrag af Mette Ejrnæs, Natalia Emanuel, Astrid Estrup Enemark, Bjarne Madsen and Christopher Wildeman (2013): Når man anbringer et barn II – Årsager, effekter af anbringelsesforanstaltninger og konsekvenser. Rockwool Fondens Forskningsenhed og Syddansk Universitetsforlag.
Andersen, Signe Hald (2013): Common genes or exogenous shock? Disentangling the causal effect of paternal unemployment on children’s schooling efforts. European Sociological Review, 29(3): 477-488
Andersen, Signe Hald (2012): Serving time or serving the community? Exploiting a policy reform to assess the causal effects of community service on income, social benefit dependency and recidivism. Rockwool Foundation Research Unit og University Press of Southern Denmark, Study Paper Nr. 37.
Andersen, Signe Hald (2012): Unemployment and crime: Experimental evidence of the causal effects of intensified ALMPs on crime rates among unemployed individuals. Rockwool Foundation Research Unit og University Press of Southern Denmark, Study Paper Nr. 38.
Andersen, Lars Højsgaard og Andersen, Signe Hald (2012): Losing the stigma of incarceration: Does serving a sentence with electronic monitoring causally improve post-release labor market outcomes? Rockwool Foundation Research Unit og University Press of Southern Denmark, Study Paper Nr. 40.
Breen, Richard & Andersen, Signe Hald (2012): Educational Assortative Partnerships and earnings Inequality in Denmark. Demography, 49:867-887.
Andersen, Signe Hald and Hansen, Lars Gårn (2012): The Rise and Fall of Divorce–Implications of Bourdieu on Becker’s model of the Marriage Market. Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 36(2):97-124
Andersen, Signe Hald (2011): Exiting unemployment: How do program effects depend on individual coping strategies. Journal of Economic Psychology, 32(2): 248-258
Andersen, Signe Hald med bidrag af Frank Ebsen, Mette Ejrnæs, Morten Ejrnæs, Peter Fallesen og Signe Frederiksen (2010): Når man anbringer et barn. Syddansk Universitetsforlag
Andersen, Signe Hald & Fallesen, Peter (2010): A question of class: On the heterogeneous relationship between background characteristics and a child’s placement risk. Children and Youth Services Review, 32(6): 783-789
Andersen, Signe Hald (2010): A Good Place to Live? On Municipality Characteristics and Chilren’s Placement Risk. Social Service Review, June, 2010
Andersen, Signe Hald (2010): The Cost of Sickness: On the Effect of the Duration of Sick Leave on Post Sick Leave Earnings. Social Science & Medicine, 70(10): 1581-1589
Andersen, Signe Hald (2009): Unemployment and Subjective Well-being. A Question of Class? Work and Occupations, vol 36(1): 3-25.
Heinesen, Eskil, Husted, Leif & Andersen, Signe Hald (2009): Labour market integration of immigrants: Estimating local authority effects. Journal of Population Economics, 22(4): 909-939.
Andersen, Signe Hald (2008): Heterogeneous Treatment Effects from Government Training – does Well-being During unemployment explain the variation? I, Bradshaw, Jonathan (red.): International Studies on Social Security. Vol. 14
Andersen, Signe Hald & Heinesen, Eskil (2008): Estimating the relative success of local authorities at labour market integration of immigrants. European Journal of Population, 24(1) : 59-86
Andersen, Signe Hald (2008): The short and long term effects of government training on subjective well being. European Sociological Review, 24(4):451-462